by Michelle Lopez | May 5, 2015 | Blog
A while back, I read a great book called “The Path of Least Resistance: Learning to Become the Creative Force in Your Own Life” by Robert Fritz. It’s such an amazing book! And its wisdom applies to marketing and selling organic, non-toxic products online....
by Michelle Lopez | Apr 17, 2015 | Blog
Vani Hari AKA “The Food Babe” has been making headlines for calling out the processed food giants in the food industry. Google her and you’ll see a slew of recent articles whining that she has a computer science degree and therefore has “no...
by Michelle Lopez | Apr 14, 2015 | Blog
As someone who gets paid to write words that generate sales, I strongly believe in the power of contrast marketing. This is essentially where you take one thing, and contrast it to something that is its polar opposite. You dramatize the extreme “black and...
by Michelle Lopez | Apr 11, 2015 | Blog
I was reading about a disruptive new grocery delivery model that could threaten the existence of health food stores. Arnie Katz, co-founder and president of Relay Foods, says, “Traditional retailers are operating under an outdated and inferior business model.”...
by Michelle Lopez | Mar 25, 2015 | Blog
John Mackey is the co-founder and co-CEO of Whole Foods. A Forbes book review of Mackey’s book, Conscious Capitalism, quoted him writing about the food co-op movement. He observed people within the food co-op wasting valuable time and energy...
by Michelle Lopez | Mar 24, 2015 | Blog
I don’t usually watch The Daily Show. My favorite comedy was always Conan O’Brien back in the day… but this Jon Stewart clip popped up on my Facebook and I thought it was spot on. He boldly takes on Big Food’s careless obliteration of our food...